Don’t you wanna a little of this (naw you don’t)

Jontha Links is the brainchild of lifelong musicians Shamik Ganguly and Conrad Kisunzu. The duo’s indelible blend of pop, rock, and R&B is defined by soulful melodies, crisp, guitar-driven production, and refreshing self-awareness. Ganguly and Kisunzu hail from the Midwest and live in Los Angeles, where they have immersed themselves in a creative mecca.

‘Survival’ was the first collaboration with do’wellers and the band. The team was inspired to blend modern locations with 90’s-style R&B music videos. They referenced MC Serch, The Pharcyde, and Fresh Prince. The group had one location scout and improvised the shoot with South LA-based polymath, Carlos Medina Santiago.


The Jellyfish Man


Roadside Steve